Watch here for everything you wanted to know about surgical and non-surgical cosmetic medicine including eyelid surgery, botox, varicose & spider vein treatment!

Entries in michigan (33)
Gauged earlobe repair
A popular trend among teens and twenty-somethings is the gauged earlobe piercings. These are cylindrical earrings that stretch the piercing hole, sometimes to an extreme amount. If an individual wants to remove the gauge at some point, the lobe is left stretched and saggy. This is where gauged earlobe repairs can work wonders. A surgical procedure eliminates the extra lobe skin and the area is stitched back together.
The photos above show a patient who underwent gauged earlobe repair with Dr. Brett Kotlus at Allure Medical Spa in Michigan. The after photo is one week after the procedure that was performed in the office with local anesthetic. This particular patient stated that she didn't have a hanging earlobe before the gauges were put in so she didn't want the repair to create a hanging lobe. In other cases, a full hanging lobe can be recreated. The procedure is peformed on its own, or with other procedures. The lobes can be re-pierced after the area has healed in about 6 weeks.

New article by Dr. Georgeson, Varicose Vein Expert
Dr. Andrew Georgeson recently wrote an article for Surge Journal, a publication of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. He describes the latest techcniques for varicose vein treatment, including laser therapy and foam sclerotherapy. He explains that injections done with ultrasound guidance can improve the effectiveness and safety of the sclerotherapy procedures.
Dr. Georgeson offers vein treatments at Allure Medical Spa in Livonia and Shelby Township Michigan.
You can read more about vein injections here.
Here's a photo of Dr. Georgeson's recent article:

Male blepharoplasty - men have eye bags too!
According to recent data, male cosmetic surgery is on the rise. Economic times may have influenced this statistic, as a competitive job market favors energy, youthfulness, and yes, looks. The most popular cosmetic procedures for men include botox and fillers for wrinkles, chin implants to rectify a weak profile, hair transplants for a fading hairline, and liposuction for excess fat pouches. Also at the top of the list is blepharoplasty to reduce sagging eyelid skin and eyelid bags.
Male blepharoplasty should be done in a more conservative manner than female blepharoplasty in most cases, to preserve masculinity. The male eyelid anatomy can differ from that of a female, with the eyelid crease in a different position and the brow with more fullness.
Blepharoplasty or eyelid lift can be done in conjunction with fat injections, laser skin tightening, and botox to acheive an enhanced result. In Michigan, Dr. Brett Kotlus offers customized procedures for his extensive list of male patients. Below is a video of Dr. Kotlus' patient who underwent upper and lower blepharoplasty 1 month earlier. His masculinity was preserved and he certainly did not end up with the dreaded "Kenny Rogers" look!

What is a non-surgical eye bag treatment?
Lower eyelid bags can make you look older and more tired than you actually are. These bags and shadows are usually caused by lower eyelid fat pouches that are bulging in combination with hollowing of the upper cheek in an area called the "tear trough".
There is a surgical option to correct these bags that removes and/or shifts the fat pouch. The surgery may also involve fat injections and laser resurfacing to smooth the surrounding areas. Surgery gives the most long-lasting benefit, but it also involves some downtime, usually a week (or a few) of swelling, bruising, and redness.
The non-surgical correction for eye bags involves filler injections to plump the hollow, sunken areas that create shadows under the eyes. The fillers can last a year or more and have little downtime. Most people can return to work after the treatment that takes about 15 minutes.
The patient above (who generously allowed us to use his photos) had Juvederm Ultra placed by Dr. Brett Kotlus in the tear trough and upper cheek. He was totally thrilled with the result. Dr. Kotlus is one of the most experienced under-eye filler injectors in the state of Michigan and uses special techniques including blunt microcannula delivery systems to prevent bruising and reconstituted hyaluronic acid to ensure a smoother, more natural contour. He performs these treatments in the Macomb county office at Allure Medical Spa.

Botox and filler at any age
This patient (who graciously allowed us to post her before and after photos) may be advanced in age but she is young at heart, and she wanted to express that to everyone around her. She had 2 simple non-surgical treatments to help her acheive that goal: Botox and filler. These are injectable treatments that are performed in the office at Allure Medical Spa, with minimal to no downtime and dramatic results.
Botox is used to relax the muscles that cause frown lines. When used between the brows and around the crow's line wrinkles, the eyebrows are lifted and the wrinkles are softened at the same time. This effect will last for 3-6 months after the treatment.
Dermal filler (Juvederm Ultra Plus in this case) is a soft, biocompatible gel was injected underneath the eyebrows, in the grooves under the eyes, and in the sunken cheeks to lift and rejuvenate these areas. Juvederm Ultra can last many months in these areas.
If you are looking to express your inner age with cosmetic treatments such as Botox or Juvederm, visit our main website or schedule a free consultation appointment at one of our Michigan locations, Shelby Township or Livonia.