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Entries in lobe (1)
Gauged earlobe repair
A popular trend among teens and twenty-somethings is the gauged earlobe piercings. These are cylindrical earrings that stretch the piercing hole, sometimes to an extreme amount. If an individual wants to remove the gauge at some point, the lobe is left stretched and saggy. This is where gauged earlobe repairs can work wonders. A surgical procedure eliminates the extra lobe skin and the area is stitched back together.
The photos above show a patient who underwent gauged earlobe repair with Dr. Brett Kotlus at Allure Medical Spa in Michigan. The after photo is one week after the procedure that was performed in the office with local anesthetic. This particular patient stated that she didn't have a hanging earlobe before the gauges were put in so she didn't want the repair to create a hanging lobe. In other cases, a full hanging lobe can be recreated. The procedure is peformed on its own, or with other procedures. The lobes can be re-pierced after the area has healed in about 6 weeks.