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Entries in eye bags (3)
What does an upper eyelid lift look like after one week?
In this video, Karen describes her experience after undergoing an upper blepharoplasty one week earlier. The eyelid lift procedure removes sagging skin to rejuvenate the upper eyelids and produce a less tired appearance. As you can see, she is thrilled with her experience with Dr. Kotlus!

What is a non-surgical eye bag treatment?
Lower eyelid bags can make you look older and more tired than you actually are. These bags and shadows are usually caused by lower eyelid fat pouches that are bulging in combination with hollowing of the upper cheek in an area called the "tear trough".
There is a surgical option to correct these bags that removes and/or shifts the fat pouch. The surgery may also involve fat injections and laser resurfacing to smooth the surrounding areas. Surgery gives the most long-lasting benefit, but it also involves some downtime, usually a week (or a few) of swelling, bruising, and redness.
The non-surgical correction for eye bags involves filler injections to plump the hollow, sunken areas that create shadows under the eyes. The fillers can last a year or more and have little downtime. Most people can return to work after the treatment that takes about 15 minutes.
The patient above (who generously allowed us to use his photos) had Juvederm Ultra placed by Dr. Brett Kotlus in the tear trough and upper cheek. He was totally thrilled with the result. Dr. Kotlus is one of the most experienced under-eye filler injectors in the state of Michigan and uses special techniques including blunt microcannula delivery systems to prevent bruising and reconstituted hyaluronic acid to ensure a smoother, more natural contour. He performs these treatments in the Macomb county office at Allure Medical Spa.

New Eyelift Center Web Site
Have you seen the new website for It's a comprehensive resource for people interested in cosmetic eyelid surgery. The site has been reorganized for ease of use, with special sections on Frequently Asked Questions, upper and lower eyelid solutions, and videos with an example of a real patient experience with Dr. Kotlus. The before and after gallery demonstrates the results that can be acheived after blepharoplasty. You can see for yourself at !