Watch here for everything you wanted to know about surgical and non-surgical cosmetic medicine including eyelid surgery, botox, varicose & spider vein treatment!

Entries in eyelid surgery (3)
Male blepharoplasty - men have eye bags too!
According to recent data, male cosmetic surgery is on the rise. Economic times may have influenced this statistic, as a competitive job market favors energy, youthfulness, and yes, looks. The most popular cosmetic procedures for men include botox and fillers for wrinkles, chin implants to rectify a weak profile, hair transplants for a fading hairline, and liposuction for excess fat pouches. Also at the top of the list is blepharoplasty to reduce sagging eyelid skin and eyelid bags.
Male blepharoplasty should be done in a more conservative manner than female blepharoplasty in most cases, to preserve masculinity. The male eyelid anatomy can differ from that of a female, with the eyelid crease in a different position and the brow with more fullness.
Blepharoplasty or eyelid lift can be done in conjunction with fat injections, laser skin tightening, and botox to acheive an enhanced result. In Michigan, Dr. Brett Kotlus offers customized procedures for his extensive list of male patients. Below is a video of Dr. Kotlus' patient who underwent upper and lower blepharoplasty 1 month earlier. His masculinity was preserved and he certainly did not end up with the dreaded "Kenny Rogers" look!

New Eyelift Center Web Site
Have you seen the new website for It's a comprehensive resource for people interested in cosmetic eyelid surgery. The site has been reorganized for ease of use, with special sections on Frequently Asked Questions, upper and lower eyelid solutions, and videos with an example of a real patient experience with Dr. Kotlus. The before and after gallery demonstrates the results that can be acheived after blepharoplasty. You can see for yourself at !

Does Arnica help for bruising?
Arnica Montana is an herb that is often taken as a supplement to prevent or treat bruising or swelling. Doctors will often recommend it to patients undergoing surgery or cosmetic procedures. It is most commonly sold as a topical gel or an oral capsule. The only safe form of the capsule is the homeopathic version.
What is a homeopathic remedy? It is a diluted preparation that actually contains very little of the original substance. In fact, it is often so "watered down" that the herb or substance in question is not detectable in the remedy. In many ways, this idea is contrary to the tenants of traditional western medicine.
The good news is that homeopathic treatments are generally quite safe, since they often don't contain much of anything. The bad news is that there is little evidence to support that they work.
Dr. Kotlus published an article in this month's Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal that evaluated homeopathic Arnica after eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty). Homeopathic arnica pills were no better than placebo at preventing bruising or improving recovery after surgery.
So if you are thinking about taking Arnica around the time of your eyelid lift, it probably won't hurt you, but it won't help either.