Watch here for everything you wanted to know about surgical and non-surgical cosmetic medicine including eyelid surgery, botox, varicose & spider vein treatment!

Entries in surgery (6)
CoolSculpting and superheroes

Watch an eyelid lift with Dr. Kotlus

Liposuction and weight loss

Dr. Kotlus gives eyelid lecture at Asian plastic surgery meeting
Earlier this month, Dr. Kotlus spoke in Seoul, Korea to a group of plastic surgeons about minimally invasive techniques for eyelid and facial rejuvenation. Dr. Kotlus uses an approach that tailors the treatment to a patient's specific needs. For example, certain people would benefit from BOTOX alone, while others may require volume corrections with fillers or fat transfer. Other cases may require surgical procedures such as fat repositioning or an eyelid lift. He explains that a combination treatment often works best. Dual-depth fractional laser resurfacing is the latest wrinkle-eraser on the scene that can also be combined with fillers, BOTOX or Dysport, and surgery. In Asia, there is enormous interest in less-invasive cosmetic procedures.
Dr. Kotlus also lectured at the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery fall meeting in Boston last week, describing how intense pulsed light and photodynamic therapy can benefit people experiencing facial redness, brown spots, sun damage, large pores, and pre-cancerous spots. Along with Florida cosmetic surgeon John Martin M.D., Dr. Kotlus shared his experience with photofacial treatments, particularly in those who have already undergone facial plastic surgery.
Poll reveals looking good may help in the workplace
Almost 2/3 of Americans in a recent survey felt that appearance matters when it comes to succeeding at work. It was also found that people thought looks were more important when applying for a job than in getting promoted.
Other findings in the Newsweek Poll can be found here, along with a description of "Lookism" issues in the workplace. Both men and women have been seen to become increasingly aware of appearance in the workplace amidst the current economic climate. Cosmetic boosters, such as Botox are more commonplace among men looking to have an edge in the job market.