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Entries in fat (9)
Non surgical fat reduction- 3 options
Dr. Kotlus discusses the 3 options for nonsurgical fat reduction including Zerona, Liposonix, and Coolsculpting. These are offered at Allure Medical Spa in Michigan and one of the doctors can discuss these with you during a consultation to determine if you are a candidate.
You can read more about these procedures here.

Does fat return after liposuction?
A recent study published in Obesity by Hernandez et al suggests that fat returns after liposuction. The subjects were instructed to not change their lifestyle in the year following liposuction. It was found that their body fat percentage returned to baseline after a year.
The biggest flaw with the study is that patients who were seeking liposuction for body contouring were instructed to maintain their lifestyle. If they collected undesirable fat before the procedure, they are likely adding fat gradually at their baseline. If they do nothing to change this via exercise or diet after the surgery, then yes, they will gain fat in other areas, but to a lesser degree in the treated area as those fat cells were removed. Liposuction is not a lifestyle cure and it is not designed to reduce weight, and liposuction patients should be counseled on this.
So if you gained fat around your waist over a period of 5 years and you have liposuction and change nothing else in your life will you regain some fat? Yes. If you adopt a more healthy diet and partake in moderate exercise 5 days per week will you regain some fat? It's less likely.

More CoolSculpting in Michigan freezes away fat by popular demand
Allure Medical Spa is now the largest CoolSculpting center in the world, offering this groundbreaking procedure that is proven to reduce fat without surgery. Allure was the first center in Michigan to perform cryolipolysis (freezing fat to reshape the body) and now 3 more machines have been added because of the overwhelming demand. The procedure was recently featured on Dr. Oz and The Doctors.
The results after just one CoolSculpting procedure can be dramatic. See for yourself in the CoolSculpting by Zeltiq gallery on the Allure Medical Spa website by clicking here.

How does liposuction work?

CoolSculpting and superheroes