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Entries in lid (1)
Cosmetic upper eyelid lift scars - hidden incisions
An upper blepharoplasty or eyelid lift is a wonderful procedure that shapes the upper eyelid. The result will frequently give you a more youthful, less tired appearance, brightening up the entire face. The cosmetic upper eyelid lift does involve an incision, created with a laser, radiofrequency device, or scalpel. But the scars almost completely disappear with time. How does that occur?
The upper eyelid has a natural crease, usually 6-11 millimeters above the eyelashes, following a smooth arc. The upper eyelid lift scar can be placed so that it coincides with your pre-existing crease. In the photo below, the dotted red line shows the position of the eyelid crease, and the right side demonstrates an eyelid that already had a blepharoplasty, with a barely detectable scar.
If you are considering aesthetic blepharoplasty, ask your surgeon if he or she plans to place the scar within the eyelid crease. There are techniques that facilitate the scar/crease alignment.
Dr. Brett Kotlus is a cosmetic eyelid specialist that offers free consultations in the Detroit Metro area in Michigan. To learn more about cosmetic eyelid procedures, visit his website,